I did something today that most people do not get to do or just take for granted, I witnessed the beauty that GOD created!
Spending the very hot day on the pearl river on an airboat is a treat that everyone should experience. Being able to see things you do not normally see or get to visit is a real treat. Our river is very low right now, the lack of rain is not a good thing, but to look on the bright side of things I was able to see things that are not normally seen. The beauty of a river is just amazing if you really look and slow down enough to notice the little things. Watching the banks I saw tracks left by deer and other small animals, sometimes you could see the fish swimming in the shallow areas, or see them jump when trying to catch an insect. A few times we went up into a small tributary or creek spilling into the river and was very lucky to see a rare bald eagle on a nest, such beauty, power and gracefulness.

Getting out of the boat and into the river, I was able to wade along the banks and in some places all the way across from side to side. Looking closely I found the shell of a fresh water clam, and a few interesting rocks. What was really interesting is that I might have actually been stepping where no human had ever set foot..wow! Seeing the sandstone banks that might have never been seen before, with water dripping down the sides and spilling into the river. Watching the herons fly along and land to wait and catch a meal, seeing the Kingfisher pirched on a limb over the water waiting to strike an unlucky minnow, just a few of the marvels I witnessed today. Sometimes we just forget to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us, created for our benefit and enjoyment! So next time you have a chance, take a trip with a friend or your family down to a local river or creek and just walk or if possible ride in a boat and share the beauty of nature together.